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News — Mikki Senkarik

Bring in the Spring!

Kassia Kilgore Art Design Inspiration Design Inspiration Eric Christensen Floral Art Isabelle Dupuy Jennifer Vranes Leon Roulette Mikki Senkarik Patrick O'Rourke Robert Bissell

Bring in the Spring!

Here are some Spring inspired pieces we couldn't resist sharing... ERIC CHRISTENSEN Master watercolor artist Eric Christensen is not only known for his hypperrealist watercolor paintings that make him one of the top wine artists in the country but also for his ability to paint botanicals.  He actually loves to paint flowers too.  Spring has sprung with these Spring inspired pieces by Eric Christensen.We are sad to report that we have postponed our Eric Christensen Show that had been scheduled for the beginning of May.  However you can take advantage of the show special and receive a complimentary Premier Tasting Collection print with...

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